
The goal of this project is to acquire key knowledge and competencies of students during their studies through the development of professional practice in the field of environmental engineering, which includes improving the competencies of teaching and also non-teaching staff of institutions of higher education and developing partnerships with employers.

The result of the project is a developed institutional system of professional practice with associated online system of planning and monitoring its quality and a positive impact on increasing employment in the field of environmental protection, with emphasis on the application of innovative solutions in the economy.

The purpose of the project is to develop key practical skills through the development, promotion and implementation of professional practice in the undergraduate and graduate study program of Environmental Engineering (EE) at Geotechnical Faculty (GFV). The aim is to facilitate the employment of students through the development of partnerships with institutions which will allow them to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice, formation of Center for Career Development and strengthening social cohesion in Croatia and increasing the number of students in STEM.

The teaching process will be improved through various forms of cooperation with external stakeholders in a way that employers will also participate in classes through professional practice.

Transfer of knowledge and experience within the proposed project addresses target groups (TG) with long-term positive effects on end users:

TG1 – teaching and non-teaching staff of GFV and VVG – design and implementation of a new system of professional practice (EE); participation in workshops for the acquisition of additional competencies, making  professional development programs and workshops for the education of professional practice mentors (min. 20).

TG2 – undergraduate and graduate students of the study program; The number of students who will be provided with professional practice as part of the project are students of all five years of GFV studies and VVG  students who find their interest in the field of EE.

TG3 – higher education institutions; GFV as a contractor of the undergraduate and graduate study program EE, within which it is planned to improve and implement professional practice, and VVG  within the institutional cooperation.

End users: private and public sector – education of new generations of engineers in the field of EB who will be included in the new annual professional practice programs over the years; Students (ISCED qualification levels 1-4 and 5-8).

1. Hrvoje Meaški, PhD Project manager
2. Ranko Biondić, PhD Coordinator of the Working Group for the development of learning outcomes and the annual program of professional practice (course curriculum)
3. Nenad Petrović, MEng Coordinator of the Working Group for organizing and monitoring the work of the Center for Career Development
4. Ivana Grčić, PhD Coordinator of the Working Group for the establishment and equipping work sites at VU
5. Sanja Kalambura, PhD Coordinator of the Working Group for Improving the Competences of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff
6. Jelena Loborec, PhD Coordinator of the Working Group for the Development of an Online Platform for Professional Practice (GOSSIP)
7. Sanja Tišma, PhD Coordinator of the Working Group for Communication with Employers
8. Ivana Melnjak, PhD Coordinator of the Working Group for Promotion and Visibility

In order to ensure the sustainability of results, activities, goals and achieved indicators will be systematically monitored and reviewed throughout the project implementation. As a part of project management, aspects of financial and (inter) institutional sustainability will be considered separately.


Financial sustainability means quality financial management, identification of potential problems and additional opportunities to ensure publicity and visibility:

  • educated staff in the field of EE is necessary in the labor market; the need for this staff guarantees the filling of the enrollment quota and ensures the required number of participants in professional practice; once developed programs of professional practice leave a permanently improved system of internships at Institutions of higher education
  • well-defined cooperation with employers in the labor market and experts from related faculties with the lasting benefit of all parties, further guarantees the financial sustainability of project results and ensures the promotion and visibility of the project
  • in order to achieve this funding, it is necessary to systematically conduct dissemination to the scientific community and the real sector within 36 months of project duration
  • applying for future competitions related to the development of higher education
  • including donations and sponsorships

The project enables strengthening of the capacity of the Applicant institution through networking with partners and employers in the labor market. Special attention will be paid to the long-term, continuous implementation of the program, monitoring the needs of target groups and end users and needs at the level of the Applicant and Partner institutions.

Apart from planned work on new projects and the application of the obtained results in real systems, it is planned to continuouslyspecialize the teaching and non-teaching staff so that the programs would contain relevant up-to-date knowledge. Institutional sustainability is guaranteed by the long-term experience of the Applicant in the implementation of the EE as a relevant profession in the organizational and educational structure of the University of Zagreb, but also in the legal regulations of Croatia. The development of learning outcomes of professional practice and general improvement of the implementation of professional practice in the study programs Environmental Engineering of the Faculty of Geotechnics will significantly increase the output competencies of graduates, which will further connect institutions of higher education with employers in the labor market.


Post-project sustainability is guaranteed by the fact that at the end of the project period:

  • trained teaching and non-teaching staff of the GFV  will continue to develop and maintain the results obtained through the project;
  • a functional online platform developed within the project will ensure the connection of employers and students, and the maintenance of the platform will be an integral part of the regular business of institutions of higher education;
  • the Career Development Center will continue its work;
  • the project’s contribution to the local community will be in increasing the key competencies of young experts and employability in the environmental engineering segment.
  • the knowledge of teaching and non-teaching staff acquired during the project is intended to be offered to future students and external users in the form of workshops and seminars; this will ensure dissemination and additional resources.

The development of key competencies of students in the field of EE will contribute to the development of awareness in the community, and with partners, to the importance of preserving the environment; this will influence the development of future policies and the legislative framework.

Dissemination activities towards other educational institutions and the introduction of professional practice from the EE in segments that are not directly related to the primary area of activity of these institutions.